
Woo! I realized that this little blog is dusted for long! :p

I am being shag recently. Very I meant.
After shifted room, then always busy between work, school and outings.
ERM! Not really outing actually.
I think I am too tired for that lately.

I went out to town after school last Saturday and that was supposed to be my shopping blast!
BUT!!! I headed home after lunch and movie, I was exhausted.
My brain could not function well that time and I felt lost in town.
LOL. Funny hur!?

Oh ya! Time to show my little cozy room!  ♥

FIRST must show the most important part!
Sleeping is very essential to everyone!

LOL. It seems quite squeezie! 😀

SECOND is the essential part for a student!
My reading area. Opps! For shopping too! 🙂

I got this coffee table at IKEA! Very cheap! I like!

This bean chair is sooooooo Fcking comfortable larh!!!!
Don’t talk about the ugly colour but it’s really comfy!!!
Quite pricey too!!! About 150 bucks!!! >.<

My little food corner for snacks and a corner for my always-in-used-bags.

The ugly wardrobe.

Makeup place.
Hearts my mirror~

Little table beside my bed.

Comfy bedroom slipper~

Gosh! Gonna start doing some researches and planning for my written assignments.
ARGH!!!!!!! Give me 2000 words please!!!!! 😦


P/S: Watched “SALT” and I think it’s not as bad….

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